Super-ALL 350 LÍMKÍTTI HV 290ml (24)


  • Einstaklega fjölhæft kítti.
  • Mygluvarið.
  • Fyrir Spegla, Votrými, Niðurföll, Nátturustein og Marmara.
  • Matvælavottað.
  • Gott UV– og veðurþol.
  • Virkar á EPDM.
  • Lím og þéttiefni fyrir nánast allt í einni túpu.
  • Samþykkt í Svansvottaðar byggingar

Nánari upplýsingar:

samthykki_Seal-it 350 Super-All límkítti



  • Universal sealant and construction and installation adhesive for practically any surface and building material.
  • Construction and glazing compound for windows, window and door frames, sections, greenhouses, façades and more.
  • Fungicidal joint sealant in sanitary spaces and other spaces with plumbing fixtures, as well as cold storage units.
  • For sealing, adhesion and installation in places where foodstuffs are stored and/or processed.
  • Construction and installation adhesive for skirting boards, slats, strips, mouldings, boards, panels, tiles, stones, EPDM film, post-and-lintel slabs and more.
  • Mirror adhesive for stainless and powerful mirror adhesion/installation.
  • Natural stone sealant/adhesive for marble, granite, hard stone, concrete and other open materials.
  • Construction compound for bridge and slab joints, between concrete parts, such as in floors and galleries.
  • Sealing of stainless steel shower drains, floor drains and rainwater drainage systems.
  • Metal sealant/adhesive for construction of roofs, façades, bodywork, trailers, ships, containers and air ducts.
  • Structural adhesion in vibrating structures, such as in the construction of façades, transport equipment and other machinery and equipment.
  • Repair adhesive for MSP/hybrid and loose building components.