High-Tack 360 LÍMKÍTTI-HRAÐ SV 290ml(24)

Ofur límkítti

  • Gríðarlega öflugt upphafsgrip.
  • Mjög öflugt límkítti til notkunar við krefjandi aðstæður.
  • Má nota utandyra, þolir sólarljós,og veðrun.
  • Hefur góða viðloðun við flest byggingarefni, má nota á spegla náttúrustein, gler og flest plastefni.
  • Yfirmálanlegt.
  • Lágt kolefnisspor.
  • Vinnsluhitastig +5°C
  • Samþykkt í Svansvottaðar byggingar

Nánari upplýsingar:


samthykki_Seal it_360 High Tack



  • Particularly suitable for use as a super-strength installation and construction adhesive, for heavy-duty, instant and permanent adhesion or installation, for almost all surfaces and building materials, without using clamps, stamps or mounting tape.
  • Powerful installation and construction adhesive, for instant and heavy-duty adhesive bonds.
  • Structural adhesion in vibrating structures, such as in the construction of façades, transport equipment and other machinery and equipment.
  • Adhere and install mirrors, natural and hard stone, marble, granite, concrete and other critical/porous materials.
  • Installation and construction adhesive for sections, panels, skirting board, mouldings, insulation and panelling materials, slats, beams, stones, tiles and more.
  • Adhere and install metal parts in the construction of roofs, façades, containers, air ducts, trailers, bodywork and ships.